An erotic adult massage

An erotic adult massage is not just a healing and relaxing procedure, it is a whole action between two close people. The purpose of his — mutual pleasure and we are not talking about sexual intercourse, which may seem the indispensable end of the session. How to do an erotic massage for a man and enjoy the process, not every member of the stronger sex knows. It’s time to eliminate this gap!

The right atmosphere for an erotic adult massage


With a little effort, every man will be able to give his man unforgettable moments that will undoubtedly be properly appreciated and rewarded. First of all, you need to be aware that an adult massage is a game, a kind of prelude, which does not tolerate haste and fuss, requires preparation, endurance and love. And the professional skills of the masseur, in this case, are completely optional.

The most important thing is the desire to please your soul mate, to help her relieve tension after a hard-working day, to diversify your relationship, to bring in a bit of romance.

When doing a back massage, do not forget about the «cat’s place.» As a rule, this point is located between the shoulder blades, a gentle touch to which causes a violent sexual response. However, it is worth remembering that erogenous zones may shift. In other words, what your partner liked a week ago, at the moment may already be unpleasant. Therefore, the primary task during the massage for you will be to establish as many erogenous zones as possible. It is a massage that is the best way to detect them, as you smoothly “move” through her body and watch her reaction.

When massaging your back, you need to alternate strong kneading with light strokes alternating with gentle tingling.

Great caution requires erotic massage of the vulva and labia, as the tissue here is very delicate. In order not to cause pain, your fingers should be relaxed, and the touch teasing and tender. In addition to traditional kisses, try to hold a member of its «jade gates» — believe me, this is a very exciting action.

Not every man can withstand such an erotic massage until the end, as she will probably get excited and want sex before you finish the massage. However, you need to be patient, you should not go on about her. And if she can no longer tolerate, let her caress you, as a mutual massage will make your sex unforgettable.

Adult massage New York

 However, Adult massage is the most important thing in the body. He makes one the body of the whole.

Needless to say, one should refrain from commenting on the characteristics of the partner. During the massage, talk as little as possible; It is possible to distract, only to inform, if there will be unpleasant sensations. Fully concentrate.

In the beginning — an intimate touch to the thigh beloved. Easy stroking of the back in the opposite direction. The joint actions of the two pairs of hands make it possible to enjoy the magic of erotic touches to both partners simultaneously.

Tandem stroking

The palm of the whole plane on the partner’s body, the hand with his fingers forwards. The arm is returned with the palm base, the force is not attached to the reverse motion. Hands work together, the first phase of the movement, carried out with effort, should be directed to the heart, possible: with the massage of the legs, lower back and abdomen upwards; with a massage of the neck, shoulders and upper chest down. However, do not let this rule stop you if you want to make a delightful slow stroking movement.

Stroking in the opposite direction. It is carried out in the direction opposite to stroking the «tandem». The fingers of the hands are still directed forward.

Particularly pleasant is the alternate of stroking in the opposite direction.

Erotic adult massage.

Each of us needs relaxing treatments. Actually, it is not surprising, because the rapid pace of life, regular stresses at work, can unbalance anyone. Over time, neuroses and other chronic diseases can develop. In order to protect yourself from serious health problems, the body periodically requires relaxation. Salon erotic massage will help you to achieve relaxation.

The human body is very versatile and able to experience an extraordinary spectrum of pleasures! Ancient peoples, who appreciated pleasures in all their manifestations, considered erotic massage one of the most expensive and sought-after types of pleasure. They knew all the sensory zones on the human body, studying it for centuries, and were able to achieve amazing results. We will also be able to reveal to you some secrets of your body in the most unexpected places…

What is an erotic massage?

If you compare erotic and classic massage, despite the similarity in many criteria, they differ. There is no, some too much pressure, squeezing and other things. All movements are as professional, gentle and erotic as possible. The whole process begins with client preparation and rubbing relaxing oils into the skin. At the same time, special attention is paid to the many erogenous zones, of which there are so many on our body. And even though the session itself is not supposed to have sex, customers still get the highest pleasure and complete sexual discharge.




We are a professional team of masters of massage.

We offer you all types of massage.

You will get here a high quality massage in a pleasant atmosphere with beautiful masseuses.

Our girls who are experts at all massage techniques will help you.

We are looking forward to meeting you.




+ 1 347 444 4498


You can call us. You can also order a call back, absolutely free.

Whatsupp — +1 347 844 8649

















Massage Manhattan Club

 Before you make an erotic adult massage to a man, you need to create an appropriate atmosphere.


In the case of the beautiful half of humanity, this is especially important. The light in the room should be dim, muffled. A desk lamp or a wall lamp can be covered with a translucent material, it is preferable to install scented candles, curtains.

Easy relaxing music (better melody without words) will help you to tune in the right way, discard daycares and unnecessary thoughts. The temperature in the room is supposed to be comfortable.

A man should not be chilly, but excessive heat does not contribute to romance.

The place for massage should be equipped accordingly. Not every apartment has a massage couch, but it is possible to do without it, sitting on the bed or the floor.

The surface should be moderately hard, but not hard, comfortable, wide, not very high. For massage, you will need oil or cream to make your skin soft and supple. Flowers, champagne and other romantic attributes are welcome, but not required.

Adult massage NJ

If you want to be a virtuoso masseuse, remember the main secret: no matter what part of the body you massage, do not interrupt contact with the body — whatever you do, one hand should always touch the partner.

Therefore, before the beginning of the session, put everything you need (massage cream, aromatic oil, powder or any special massagers) so that you can reach them without lifting your hands from the massaged.


If you fail to fulfill this condition and at some point, you still remove both hands from a partner, urgently maintain contact with other parts of the body. Gently touch the boyfriend with the chest, knees, hair. This, by the way, is already elements of Thai massage, which is performed not only by hands, but by the whole body.

To deliver the partner maximum pleasure, experts advise to alternate soft and strong movements. After intensive muscle, kneading, light, barely perceptible stroking of the palms over the skin surface follows. Excellent reception for Adult massage NJ — the so-called perebiranie: grabbing a patch of skin with the palm of your hand, slowly remove one finger.

Adult massage new jersey

Do you want something more original? Add the game elements to the massage. Tie a partner’s eyes and agree that, as in all massage parlors, he has no right to touch you until you allow him. In advance, stock up on the necessary accessories, making the process even more refined and enjoyable. Special devices for Adult massage New Jersey can be found in the sex shop — a set of feathers, fur fluffy mittens, a whip of silk ribbons.

However, you can do with improvised means: at home, there probably will be a bird’s feather, a piece of fur, and a silk scarf. You can use a powder puff or a brush to apply blush. The main thing is that the touch of the villi is pleasant, not ticklish. Therefore, be sure to ask your partner what he feels and how much he likes the touch of this or that object.

For fans of extreme ice will suit. The burning touch of the ice cubes is very exciting and pleases many men. However, ice should not be applied anywhere, but only to places that are particularly sensitive: the internal surfaces of the legs and hands, chest, nipples, stomach and face.

If you want to add to your beloved an even more refined pleasure, freeze the juice instead of water. In this case, when the ice cube melts, you can lick the droplets of juice directly from the boy’s skin. Nirvana to your man is provided, because in this way ancient geishas brought their customers to ecstasy.

Adult massage downtown

The process of obtaining Adult massage downtown is an art of giving pleasure, as an entrance to the mysterious garden of sensory perception. If the massage is successful, we are in a blissful state at which the colors and sounds of the world are exacerbated several times.

Massage is a two-way process that can be relaxing or stimulating for both the person receiving the massage and the massage therapist. This is especially true if you combine massage and essential oils, as the masseur also inhales their healing aromas.

During the session, it is not necessary to discuss everyday problems. It’s better not to talk at all. Any topics that do not correspond to the situation are inappropriate in this case. They can destroy the atmosphere of relaxation and trust. Concentrate on the execution of receptions.

But you can not even imagine how receptive to relaxing deep muscles can be pleasant! The main thing, do not forget during the procedure to give rest and your own muscles. After all, the goal of an erotic massage is pleasure, not the throwing of tension from one partner to another.

It is worth noting that the Adult massage downtown will not bring complete satisfaction unless you use marigolds, biting and tender kisses. For example, by moving from yourself, you can touch a little with your fingernails, gently bite or leave a barely perceptible kiss. This approach seems to suggest that waiting for the most important continuation of the prelude was not long.

Girls in the salon of an adult massage.

You can look at the girls in a special section. Our salon is a responsible institution and does not adhere to the policy of using false photos. Each of the girls that you see on the site you can find in our institution.

Thanks to skillful touch, your whole body will become one erogenous zone, the touch of which will cause a sweet shiver. Remember that erotic massage can awaken the highest level of your sensuality. And this is a huge difference between the primitive stimulation of the genitals and the incredibly long pleasure that we can offer you!

The human body is very versatile and able to experience an extraordinary spectrum of pleasures! Ancient peoples, who appreciated pleasures in all their manifestations, considered erotic massage one of the most expensive and sought-after types of pleasure. They knew all the sensory zones on the human body, studying it for centuries, and were able to achieve amazing results. We will also be able to reveal to you some secrets of your body in the most unexpected places ……


Salon erotic adult massage.

Salon of erotic massage will teach you not only to enjoy every cell of your body, but also to give the resulting potential in the everyday prose of life. With us, you will become an advanced lover, a sensual partner and a real macho — even without using your genitals. Reveal the secret of your body, its desires, unlimited possibilities right here and right now — in the salon of erotic massage.

Much of the pleasure of erotic massage will depend on the surrounding atmosphere. It is important that she tunes in for relaxation and enjoyment. If you don’t like anything around you, you’ll hardly have a real rest.


Unforgettable adult massage.

In addition to an unforgettable erotic massage, visitors to our salon can also relax in the sauna and undergo a spa procedure. And for those who are hungry or want to drink a little, we have a kitchen and a bar.

Each of the visitors has the right to choose their own room for rest, in which he will be comfortable and pleasant. All rooms are furnished exactly to help to relax and relieve nervous tension and feel at rest.

In addition to this, there is an excellent sauna. And as it is known for a Russian person, this is precisely the place where he rests not only with his body but also with his soul. The burning heat of the steam room, the pleasant smell of wood, birch and oak twigs, herbal tea. It is difficult to think of something better to improve your own body. And if you supplement such a vacation with a quality massage, you will get something unforgettable. We will always be glad to see you as our guests.

Life is short, enjoy it! It is in the massage salon that you can learn new types of pleasure that will make your life bright and amazing!



We have selected the most common questions that our clients ask us.

Good morning! Could you offer something more than simply a massage to your clients?

No, we do not provide sexual services or anything like that. We do provide any type of massages. We were forced to include all types of massage on the pricelist. Clients need all types of massage.

It would be like a situation when you come to a restaurant where there are just two or three kinds of dishes on the menu.Therefore, we have to provide all types of massage for our clients.

Good morning! I have never visited massage parlors before. Could you please tell me how it works?

Good morning! Here I am describing the details of this process. Firstly, book a massage by phone. Once we receive your order, we will start working on your order. We should get ready to meet you. So, a cup of hot tea and a free room will certainly be waiting for you.

When you come, you will be greeted and acquainted with our masseuses by the administrator of our parlor. Next, you should choose the most suitable girl for massage through a mirror glass without being embarrassed by a wide range of our attractive and slender girls. Let our administrator know about your choice.

Then, depending on your wishes and free time you should choose one of the types of massage that we provide. We can offer you both a quick massage at lunch time and a long sensual massage for a Friday night.

In addition, you should also make a decision on whether to start your massage session with the classical part or erotic. Your choice lets us know whether you wish to relax along with one, two or even three girls at the same time.

Another interesting thing that will wait for you after the massage is a warm shower or bath in order to wash and relax.

After the massage, you will have some time to have a cup of tea or coffee, share your impressions of the session with our girls and ask some other questions to our administrator and managers.

Hello! I am eager to come to you for a massage, but I have some doubts whether it is safe for me?

Hello! I can understand your worries, and it is great that you care for your health. We do it as well!

We comply with the standards of cleanliness of premises and hygiene of personnel, comparable to modern medical centers.

All our masseuses are clean and subject to regular medical examinations.

We carefully monitor the cleanliness of our massage parlor. After every massage session all the surfaces of our rooms are treated with special disinfectants that are used in modern wellness centers.

We are very responsible for hygiene and cleanliness! Thank you for asking such an important question. We are looking forward to meeting you at our massage parlor!

What are the types of massage?

I would divide the massage into 4 types: relaxing, tonic, erotic, and wellness. There are many massage techniques that are used all over the world.

Hello, I would like to know how you do the massage.

This is a frequently asked question. So I will describe all the details of the process below.

Before the massage starts you should take a shower alone or together with your masseuse using a soft and odorless massage gel depending on the type of massage you choose.

In case you choose traditional types of massage, then after taking a shower, wipe yourself with a new towel given to you by our administrator, and lie down on the massage table. Then one or several masseuses start massaging your body using aromatherapy techniques.

In case you choose any type of erotic massage, then the masseuse slides along your body in foam, touching your body with all parts of her body: breast, belly, arms, legs, buttocks and so on.

The masseuse can use a special kind of massage lotion, cream or oil, as well as talc during the massage.

Massage oil improves the slip and increases the sensitivity of the human body during body-to-body massage sessions. Massage cream quickly absorbs, moisturizing the skin of the human body. Talc is light and crumbly, so you almost do not feel it on your body.

All the chemicals that we use are quickly washed off, odorless or with a light aroma. We really care about the comfort of our guests.

Why do I need a massage?

relaxation of massageHere are three reasons below.

erotic massageFirstly, you are having a psychological rest. Here you can share your experiences and worries with our amazing girls who will certainly listen to you with warmth and affection. You can also regain your vigor, and rest from the bustle of everyday life here.

Secondly, this is physical relaxation. Almost all our programs include classical or tantric massage. The girl massages your body, starting with your feet and finishing with your fingers. She can focus on your back, shoulders or other parts of your body at your request.

erotic massageWe pay great attention to the technique of classical massage, having a relaxing effect. There is a real hamam at our parlor, where your muscles are warmed up in a pleasant and humid atmosphere and, thus, you get a relaxing effect.

Thirdly, this is relaxation. During the massage you get incredible emotional, physical, and sexual relaxation. Our professionals of erotic massage can bring you to the peak of pleasure! You will be certainly delighted with all the things our girls do!

Preparing the setting for an erotic massage

For erotic massage, special oils are also used. Your hands will give any butter the ability to gently glide over your partner’s skin. Even just rubbing oil into the skin, you can bring a lot of pleasure to your partner. Essential oils are undoubtedly a powerful masseur’s weapon. To help relax and sometimes fall asleep during an erotic massage, smells of all sorts of essential oils can help, or, on the contrary, strengthen feelings and arouse sexual desire.

How to start an erotic massage


It is more logical to start massaging from the periphery, that is, the legs and arms. Virtually any woman’s hands are an erogenous zone, so they need to pay as much attention as possible, moving from gentle strokes to more intense movements, but not forgetting gentle kneading. A similar pattern is performed and foot massage: first stroking, then rubbing. Rubbing can be done in various ways: by the edge of the palm, by the pads of the fingers, clenched into a fist by the middle phalanges of the fingers. The movement must be diversified, then pressing, then rubbing, then stronger, then weaker, then slower, then faster, thus you make your girlfriend tremble with excitement. However, there is no need to hurry in this matter, since you can bring your partner to orgasm.

Adult massage queens

The main difference between Adult massage queens and all other types of massage is that special attention is paid to the erogenous zones of the body. They, of course, are all different, but it’s better to start experimenting from those places that are more sensitive (due to the accumulation of nerve fibers in them). In men, this is usually the inner side of the legs, popliteal fossa, a patch on the back between the shoulder blades, the back of the neck and the area around the main male dignity. However, the later you get to the last zone, the better.

Adult Massage Manhattan

This is not only an erotic act, but also a unique meditative and spiritual practice, with the help of which you can learn to accumulate sexual energy, balance it in a pre-orgasmic state, and restrain an orgasm, in order to experience an orgasm of such strength, as it has never been.

Give yourself and your loved ones the best erotic massage in Manhattan, contact our massage salon.



Manhattan address

1412 6th Ave New York, NY 10019 Midtown
(Manhattan midtown West)

Psychological & Clinical, 226 E 52nd St, New York, NY 10022
(Manhattan midtown East)

60 W 56th St New York, NY 10019

Prevention of Falls NYC, 255 W 86th St, New York, NY 10024

48 Water St New York, NY 10004

Downtown address

48 Water St New York, NY 10004

Midtown address

1412 6th Ave New York, NY 10019 Midtown
(Manhattan midtown West)

Psychological & Clinical, 226 E 52nd St, New York, NY 10022
(Manhattan midtown East)

Uptown address

60 W 56th St New York, NY 10019

Prevention of Falls NYC, 255 W 86th St, New York, NY 10024

Brooklyn & Middletown(Connecticut) address

32 Gelston Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11209

1 Macdonough Pl Middletown, CT 06457

New Jersey address

2000 Timber Glen Dr
Mays Landing, NJ 08330

New Jersey




+ 1 347 444 4498


You can call us. You can also order a call back, absolutely free.

Whatsupp — +1 347 844 8649